Astronomia Amadora nos Açores.

Web Page de João Porto e Paula Costa

!/7/2007 @ 12:45 UT e mapa do SkyMap pró, 6x45s

Na sequência da nossa participação no Projecto Deep Impact, fomos contactados por Elizabeth Warner, da qual transcrevemos integralmente o texto:

“Hello Amateur Observers' Program Participants!

Yes, after going on a lengthy hiatus at the end of Deep Impact, we are
starting back up, this time in support of the Dawn mission!

We have a new website

Vesta is at opposition at the end of the month so it is well positioned
for observations. And it is bright! At about mag 6 it should be a much
easier target than Tempel 1 was.

Ceres is a bit dimmer and will be at opposition in November.

We are looking for observations of the asteroid Vesta (and Ceres).
However, because they will appear starlike in most single frame images,
we hope to get images that are somehow combined/ stacked either showing
the streak (Fig 2,
of motion or an animation
We will also accept scanned sketches taken over several nights (Fig 4, and we hope to get
some lightcurves! If you have some other unique observation of Vesta
(spectra, ...), we will accept those as well.

We will also be collecting the images in a different manner. Rather than
registering and submitting through an online form, you
may send images
directly to me at See the LogBook
( for details. The
more information you include about your image(s), the better!

Images should be in jpg, gif or png format. Animations are preferable in
gif format.

I look forward to getting your observations of Vesta! and Ceres!

Clear Skies!
Elizabeth Warner

[You are receiving this email because you had registered with the
Amateur Observers' Program.]

Para nos contactar: J. Porto

Uma primeira participação de solidariedade:

A missão tem vindo a ser adiada, prevendo-se o lançamento do prospector para o mês de Setembro.

Entretanto temos vindo a fazer imagens que irão ser enviadas para o “Amateur Observers` Program (AOP)”

2/7/2007 @ 22:05 UT e mapa do SkyMap pró, 2x45s

!0/6/2007 @ 22:30 UT e mapa do SkyMap pró, 9x40s

17/7/2007 @ 23:45 UT e mapa do SkyMap pró, 2x35s

Todas as imagens foram obtidas com uma Cânon EOS 350D a 800 ISO em foco directo num Celestron de 200mm a f/10.

Software utilizado no processamento de imagens : Maxim DL, Íris e Neat.

Local: Fajã de Baixo, Ponta Delgada.
